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Lista completa de permisos para trabajadores en Canadá 2025

Actualizado: hace 2 días

El 15 de enero del presente año, el departamento de Inmigración, Refugiados y Ciudadanía de Canadá (IRCC), anunció nuevos cambios con respecto a los permisos de trabajo abierto (OWP).


Entre las nuevas modificaciones resalta por mucho una lista exhaustiva de características que debe cumplir el candidato para pedir esta solicitud. Como por ejemplo tener aptitudes en TEER 0, 1, 2 o 3.

En este sentido, el departamento informó la necesidad de alinear a los nuevos y futuros candidatos con políticas económicas laborales que balanceen el mercado según el nivel del aspirante, además se comprometió en publicar la lista completa que resalta los trabajos para los que pueden aplicar los cónyuges que posean TEER 2 y TEER 3 (ocupaciones que generalmente requieren de un diploma o formaciones sencillas, técnicos) puesto que los que poseen el TEER 0 y 1 pueden aspirar a otro tipo de trabajos (gerentes, asesores).

Cabe recordar que estos permisos apuntarán solo a los cónyuges de residentes temporales. A continuación presentaremos la lista de trabajos:

Permisos de trabajos disponibles para TEER 2

22100 - Chemical technologists and technicians

22101 - Geological and mineral technologists and technicians

22110 - Biological technologists and technicians

22111- Agricultural and fish products inspectors

22112 - Forestry technologists and technicians

22113 - Conservation and fishery officers

22114 - Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists

22210 - Architectural technologists and technicians

22211 - Industrial designers

22212 - Drafting technologists and technicians

22213 - Land survey technologists and technicians

22214 - Technical occupations ingeomatics and meteorology

22220 - Computer network and web technicians

22221 - User support technicians

22222 - Information systems testing technicians

22230 - Non-destructive testers and inspector

22231 - Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers

22232 - Occupational health and safety specialists

22233 - Construction inspectors

22300 - Civil engineering technologists and technicians

22301 - Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians

22302 - Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians

22303 - Construction estimators

22310 - Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians

22311 - Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)

22312 - Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics

22313 - Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors

32100 - Opticians

32101 - Licensed practical nurses

32102 - Paramedical occupations

32103 - Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists

32104 - Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians

42102 - Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces

42202 - Early childhood educators and assistants

72014 - Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers

72020 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades

72021 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews

72022 - Supervisors, printing and related occupations

72023 - Supervisors, railway transport operations

72024 - Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators

72025 - Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations

72100 - Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors

72101 - Tool and die makers

72102 - Sheet metal workers

72103 - Boilermakers

72104 - Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters

72105 - Ironworkers

72106 - Welders and related machine operators

72200 - Electricians (except industrial and power system)

72201 - Industrial electricians

72202 - Power system electricians

72203 - Electrical power line and cable workers

72204 - Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers

72205 - Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians

72300 - Plumbers

72301 - Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers

72302 - Gas fitters

72310 - Carpenters

72311 - Cabinetmakers

72320 - Bricklayers

72321 - Insulators

72400 - Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics

72401 - Heavy-duty equipment mechanics

72402 - Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics

72403 - Railway carmen/ women

72404 - Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors

72405 - Machine fitters

72406 - Elevator constructors and mechanics

72410 - Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanics repairers

72411 - Auto body collision and related occupations

82010 - Supervisors, logging and forestry

82020 - Supervisors, mining and quarrying

82021 - Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services

82030 - Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors

82031 - Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services

Permisos de trabajo disponibles para TEER 3:

33100 - Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants

33101 - Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations

33102 - Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates

33103 - Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants

33109 - Other assisting occupations in support of health services

43100 - Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants

43204 - Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces

53200 - Athletes

53201 - Coaches

73100 - Concrete finishers

73101 - Tilesetters

73102 - Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers

73110 - Roofers and shinglers

73111 - Glaziers

73201 - General building maintenance

73202 - Pest controllers and fumigators

73209 - Other repairers and servicers

73300 - Transport truck drivers

73301 - Bus driver, subway operators and other transit operators

73310 - Railway and yard locomotive engineers

73311 - Railway conductors and brakemen/ women

73400 - Heavy equipment operators

73401 - Printing press operators

73402 - Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction

83100 - Underground production and development miners

83101 - Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers

83110 - Logging machinery operators

83120 - Fishing masters and officers

83121 - Fishermen/ women

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